"I am truly thankful for Ahn defending me so well"
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how thankful I am for the multitude of services you provided for me. I put myself in a predicament when deciding to make a drastic change in my life (all be it for the better), unaware of what I signed and unsure how to understand the paperwork I was given was a great learning lesson for me. Anh was nothing but upfront in letting me know I didn't do the right thing, but she gave me great optimism in knowing that it could be rectified in some time. I am truly thankful for Ahn defending me so well, the judge for listening to Ahn and everyone who testified for me to see that the whole thing was nonsense. Unfortunately, I was left with all the legal fees, and with the amount of support I was paying out and my day to day expenses it was very hard to get by each week. I also was out of work for a while, due to family issues with my Grandmother. With that speed bump, came the opportunity for new employment and the ability to cash out my IRA from my previous employer. Thus getting the available funds needed to pay off my balance. Again, thank you so much for being patient with me. As of now, I'm doing great, things couldn't be better. Thank you for all your hard work and support with my personal matters.
- Jason A.