Robbery Defense Lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga
Mounting a Strong Defense against Robbery Charges
Robbery is a very serious criminal charge and can lead to considerable jail time with conviction. In order to avoid such harsh penalties or to get the fairest sentencing possible, having an assertive criminal defense attorney to advocate for your legal rights is absolutely in your best interest.
If you have been arrested on a robbery charge, you will want to gain the assistance of a Rancho Cucamonga criminal defense lawyer immediately. Regardless of the situation, your case can always be helped most effectively by an attorney with an in-depth knowledge of California criminal law.
Like all other theft crimes, robbery involves the taking of someone else's property without their consent and against their will. Robbery also involves intentionally or recklessly causing harm or injury to another person or threatening them with such actions.
Such an offense is considered a second-degree felony, which can, as mentioned, result in jail time and other repercussions such as community service or probation. When harm is inflicted on another person during a robbery and a deadly weapon is used or brandished, you may face aggravated robbery or assault with a deadly weapon charge. That crime is considered a first-degree felony, and you may also be charged with aggravated robbery if you commit robbery against certain protected groups such as the elderly or the disabled. Our team can explain the various situations in detail.
Rancho Cucamonga Robbery Defense Attorney
If you are facing robbery charges, you will no doubt need an aggressive and knowledgeable team of criminal defense lawyers on your side. Chung & Ignacio, LLP can help ensure that your constitutional rights are upheld and that you remain innocent until proven guilty.
We can rely on our comprehensive understanding of the justice system and our combined experience to make sure you get the exceptional representation you deserve. Every person has the right to a strong legal defense, and our firm wants to provide just that for you today.