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Tips for a Collaborative Divorce

A close up photo of a woman's hands, pulling off her wedding ring

A collaborative divorce is an option for couples who want to find a more amicable way of resolving conflict in their divorce. It involves the cooperation of a team of professionals such as attorneys, mediators, and counselors who work together with the couple to create an agreement tailored to their individual needs and concerns. This collaborative approach puts the control back into the hands of each party, allowing them to adjust terms and negotiate acceptable solutions on their own timetable while preserving energy spent during adversarial divorce proceedings.

When considering a collaborative divorce, it is important to find professionals who have experience with this type of process. The right team should be knowledgeable about legal aspects as well as have strong communication and conflict resolution skills that can help guide successful negotiations between both parties. It is also important for each party to enter negotiations with an open mind, set their priorities early on, and acknowledge any feelings they may have before proceeding. If done correctly, the end result will be a spirit of cooperation rather than competition which in turn can lead to a post-divorce relationship that reflects respect and friendship.

Find the Right Team

Finding a qualified and experienced legal team is essential when it comes to pursuing a collaborative divorce. It's important to look for attorneys who have years of experience in family law, as well as specialized knowledge of the state laws and court procedures specific to collaborative divorce. Attorneys should also be trained in conflict resolution skills so that they can help guide successful mediation between both parties. Furthermore, it may be beneficial to have a financial advisor on board who is highly knowledgeable about asset division, taxes, and any other financial questions that may arise during the process. Lastly, couples may benefit from having a mental health professional or therapist to help them address any emotions or issues related to the separation that could hinder progress through negotiations.

Have an Open Mind & Prioritize Your Goals

The collaborative divorce process requires both parties to come into negotiations with an understanding of the goals and outcomes that need to be achieved. Each party should prioritize what is most important to them in terms of assets, parenting plans, and spousal support so that their needs are addressed while still respecting their partner's needs as well. It's essential that couples stay focused on solutions and refrain from engaging in debates about past issues or taking digs at each other. Negotiations can become difficult, so it is necessary for both parties to listen carefully and openly communicate their priorities in order to identify potential compromise points. Additionally, emotional obstacles may arise during this process, so couples should be prepared to ask for help if they need it.

Set Agreements

One of the big advantages offered by collaborative divorces is that they allow you to set agreements on your own terms rather than relying solely on a court ruling or family law rules. This means you can decide where you want to draw boundaries on things like visitation schedules, division of assets, or even alimony if relevant--all without having external forces dictate decisions for you or your ex-spouse through litigation or adversarial negotiation strategies. Developing mutually beneficial agreements allows both parties more autonomy over their lives moving forward into post-divorce life.

Acknowledge Feelings

Though there isn’t room for anger or bitterness towards one another during collaborations, it is important not to sweep away any difficult emotions connected to this marriage's end either; it is okay for people to feel angry, hurt, etc., but allowing those feelings out helps avoid bottling up resentment that could ultimately impede progress through negotiations. Additionally, recognizing how each party feels can help build mutual empathy, which in turn will make the transition smoother overall.

Move Forward

The collaborative approach offers divorced couples a great deal more control over their lives post-divorce; they have tailored agreements designed by them while also preserving time and energy expended throughout overly long court battles common in adversarial divorces. With thoughtful communication, cooperation, creativity, and perhaps even friendship, after all is said and done--collaborative divorces are truly worth exploring as an option when possible!
